Patient Medical Records

Patient Medical Records is to enter details about the Charges, Test Conducted and all other relating information about the patients such as prescription . Clinic Gate software allow you to add multiple Patient Medical Reports.

Adding New Patient Medical Records

  1. Select the Patient Medical Records menu from Patients Menu.
  2. Type the Patient Name or Mobile or File# in Patient field and Patients list will be appear then select the require one then Select Doctor and Date that fields are mandatory fields.
  3. Add the Vitals details(Weight where ‘K’ refer to Kilogram and ‘P’ refer to pound, Height where ‘Cm’ refer to centimeter and ‘Ft’ refer to Feet, Respiration ,Pulse ,BP Systolic ,BP Diastolic ,Temperature Where ‘F’ refer to Fahrenheit and ‘C’ refer to Celsius).
  4. Add Complaints details,Test Conducted,Results.
  5. you can also add Diagnosis by type the Diagnosis Code or diseases name in Diagnosis drop down list and Diagnosis list will be appear then select the require one and it will appear in the list under Diagnosis drop down list and you can select more of Diagnosis
  6. also you can add new Diagnosis by click on Add Icon.
  7. Click Save Button.

ClinicGate medicalrecords PatientMedicalRecord

Edit Patient Medical Records

  1. Search for Patient Medical Record with Patient Name or Mobile or File#, Doctor Name, Sex, Complaints, Test Conducted ,Result or Vitals.
  2. Select the Patient Medical Record from the Patient Medical Records list given below and click Edit Button and all the visits list of this patients will be appeared.
  3. Select the medical record and do the need full changes and press Edit Button to save the changes.

ClinicGate medicalrecordsedit PatientMedicalRecord

Delete Patient Medical Records

  1. Search for Patient Medical Record with Patient Name or Mobile or File# or Doctor Name, Sex, Complaints, Test Conducted ,Results or Vitals.
  2. Select the Patient Medical Record from the Patient Medical Records list given below.
  3. Press Delete Button to delete the record.

Clear Button

To Refresh the Screen and add New record.

Search Patient Medical Records

You can search Patient Medical Records in different ways.

  1. Search by Patient Name or Mobile or File#.
  2. Search by Doctor Name.
  3. Search by Sex.
  4. Search by Vitals(Weight, Height, Blood Class, Pulse) .
  5. Search by Complaints.
  6. Search by Test Conducted.
  7. Search by Results.
  • Search by Vitals, select vitals type from Vitals drop down list and select the operation Process then write its value.
  • Search by Complaints, Test Conducted, Results select it from Search By drop down list and write in Text Search area.
  • Click Search Button to see Medical records in Patient Medical Records list given below.

Print Button

    Patient Medical Record Report by Patient Name

    1. Select Patient from list giving below by search with patient Name, Doctor Name, Sex, Vitals, Complaints, Test Conducts or Results.
    2. Can see all Medical records of the Particular patients in Patient Medical Records list given below.
    3. Select the Record and Click Print Button is to view/Print Patient Medical Records.

    Patient Medical Record Report by Doctor Name

    1. Select Doctor from Doctor Drop Down List in search.
    2. Click Print Button To view/print all visits to this doctor.

    ClinicGate medicalrecordsprint PatientMedicalRecord

Print Graph Button

     This report show patients vitals like (Weight,Height,Respiration,Pulse,BP Systolic,BP Diastolic,Temperature) with visited date.

  1. Select Patient from List given below.
  2. Click Print Graph Button to view\print the Graphic report .

ClinicGate medicalrecordsgraphic PatientMedicalRecord


