Patient Vaccination

Patient Vaccination is to enter Vaccination details for Patient.

Adding New Vaccination

  1. Select the Patient Vaccination from Patients Menu.
  2. Type the Patient Name or Mobile or File# in Patient field and Patients list will be appear then select the require one, Then Select Doctor Name, Vaccination and Date.
  3. Also you can add new Vaccination by clicking on Add Icon and you can delete any Vaccination by Select Vaccination from drop down menu Vaccination then clicking on Delete Icon.
  4. Click Save Button to save data.

ClinicGate vaccination Patient Vaccination

Edit Vaccination

  1. Select the Patient that you would like to edit by search with Patient Name or Mobile or File#, Doctor Name or Vaccination.
  2. Select The Date From Date & To Date and press Search Button.
  3. Select the Patient from the Patient list.
  4. Do the need full changes and press Edit Button to save the changes.

Delete Vaccination

  1. Select Vaccination by search it by the Patient Name or Mobile or File#, Doctor Name or Vaccination.
  2. select record that you want to delete it from the List given below.
  3. Press Delete Button to Delete this Vaccination

Clear Button:

To clear the screen for any action (Add , Edit or Delete)

Search Vaccination

  1. Search by Patient Name or Mobile or File#.
  2. Search by Doctor Name .
  3. Search by Vaccination.
  4. Search by Date (From Date & To Date)

Print Button

  1. Print Button is used to Print the details About all Vaccinations in list below by search it by the Patient Name or Mobile or File#, Doctor Name or Vaccination.
  2. Click Print List Button to view/print the report.

ClinicGate vaccinationprint Patient Vaccination

  • Also You can print the Vaccinations List Group By Patient, Doctor or Vaccination.

ClinicGate vaccinationgroupby Patient Vaccination


Patient Vaccination