Patient File

Patient File is to enter Patients Information. These Patients details will use for making Appointments in Appointment Screen and, adding Patient Medical Record and also for making invoice for the patient.

Adding New Patient

  1. Select the Patient File from Patients Menu.
  2. Add Name and all other details in the appropriate columns.
  3. First Name, Last Name, Sex, Title, Doctor and Mobile are mandatory fields.
  4. Patient file ID will be created automatically or Manually according to your choice in Clinic Data Screen.
  5. Add Insurance, Medication, Ethnic, Disease and Notes for the patient.
  6. Also you can add new Ethnic by clicking on Add Icon and you can delete any Ethnic by Select Ethnic from drop down menu Ethnic then clicking on Delete Icon.Also add new Disease, Country or Nationality by the last same way.
  7. You can also add Patient Photo by Upload Button .
  8. Click Save Button.

Edit Patient

  1. Select the Patient that you would like to edit by search with First Name, Last Name, Insurance Company, Country, Sex, Doctor or Company.
  2. Select the Patient from the Patient list.
  3. Do the needful changes and press Edit Button to save the changes.
  4. To convert a non-regular patient (from Appointments) to a regular one, click on the record, fill the remaining information and press Edit Button to save the changes. The patient will now be listed in the patient database.

ClinicGate patientedit Patient File

Delete Patients

When deleting any Patient, his Invoices will be deleted automatically.

1. Select the Patient from the Patient List given below.

2. Press Delete Button to Delete this Patient.

Clear Button:

To clear the screen for any action (Add , Edit or Delete)

Email Button:

Select the Patient that you want send email from the Patient List given below and click the Email Button to open default Email Program.

Search Patient

  1. Search for Patient with First Name or Begin with,End with,Exactly or Any where.
  2. Also you can select if you need search by last Name or first name from Option on the popup window when you write any name on Patient field, and to more the speed of the search you can select the Number of records that will appear on the list of Patients.
  3. Search for Patient with Doctor Name.
  4. Search for Patient with Insurance or Company.
  5. Search for Patient with Sex or Country .
  6. Can select any one or all together and click Search Button.

ClinicGate patientsearch1 Patient File

Print Patient Button (To print details for one Patient)

  1. Select the Patient that you would like to Print by search with First Name or Doctor Name or Company or Sex.
  2. Select the Patient from the Patient list.
  3. Click Print Patient to View/Print the Report.

ClinicGate rebort Patient File

Print List Button

  • Print List Button is used to Print the details of all Patients in list given below.

  • Notes ClinicGate Software allows you to print different types of Customized Reports:

    Patient Report

    1. Select the Patient File from Patients Menu.
    2. You can see the list all of records in Patients List given below.
    3. Click on Print List Button to View/Print the Report.

    Patient Report by Patient Name

    1. Select the Patient File from Patients Menu.
    2. Type the Patient Name in Patient Text in Search.
    3. Click on Search Button.
    4. You can see the list of all records of particular Patient in Patients List given below.
    5. Click on Print List Button to View/Print the Report.

    Patient Report by Doctor

    1. Select the Patient File from Patients Menu.
    2. Select the Doctor Name from Doctor drop down menu in Search.
    3. Click on Search Button.
    4. You can see the list of all records of particular Doctor in Patients List given below.
    5. Click on Print List Button to View/Print the Report.

  • And the same for
    1. Patient Report by Country
    2. Patient Report by Insurance
    3. Patient Report by Company
    4. Patient Report by Sex.
  • Also You can print the Patient List Group By Doctor, Insurance Company, Nationality, Disease, Referral, Company or Genetic.

ClinicGate rebortlist Patient File

Print Graph Button

There is some graphic reports show the ratio of count of patients and all of the (Diseases, Nationalities, Insurances, Companies and Sex) in specific duration.

Graphic Patient Report per Diseases

  1. Select Diseases from the Patients Graph drop down list.
  2. Select Duration Time from From Date & To Date.
  3. Click Print Graph to View/Print the Report.

ClinicGate  Patient File s/screens/patient/reborgraphic.png" />

And the same for

  1. Patient Report per Nationalities.
  2. Patient Report per Insurances.
  3. Patient Report per Companies.
  4. Patient Report per Sex.


Patient File