The following steps To Make sure that the database exists on the server:

  1. Open the Management Studio Express.
  2. Click Connect then Select The database. (Make sure that Hospital08 exists )

    ClinicGate attach1 Attach Database

If the Database Hospital08 Not exists you can Attach it by the following steps:

  1. Open the Management Studio Express.
  2. Click Connect then Select The database.
  3. Right click on Database,Then Select attach.

    ClinicGate attach2 Attach Database

  4. Click add will appear the screen contain the folder that you setup your Program in it.
  5. Select the database folder, Then select the file database with extension ” .MDF “.

    ClinicGate attach3 Attach Database

  6. Click OK.
  7. Now The database is Attached.

Then goto the next section ( Database Connection ).

Attach Database