Daily Appointments

Appointment Screen helps you to Add new Appointments, Search Appointments by Date and you can see what are the appointments allotted for each Doctor with Time.


The Status of Appointments will be highlighted in the color you chosen from the Appointments screen,
Invoiced Appointments will be in yellow,
Doctor’s Day off and Break Time will be in Light Gray.

Adding New Appointments

  1. Select Daily Appointment from Appointments menu.
  2. Click on the box given under the Date as per time schedule that is allotted for the Appointments.
  3. Type the Patient Name or Mobile or File# in Patient field and Patients list will be appear then select the require one.
  4. If new patient and is not in patient list you can add this patient by selecting Patient file Screen from patients Menu .
  5. Select the Date, time from, time to, Doctor Name ,Status and Notes.
  6. You can Pick Status highlighted Color by clicking on Color Icon behind Status field.
  7. Click Save Button to Add new Appointment

ClinicGate app Daily Appointments

Edit Appointments

  1. Click on the Patient Name from Appointment that you would like to edit.
  2. Allow you to change the Patient Name, Date, Time From, Time To, Doctor , Status and Notes.
  3. Press Edit Button to save the Changes.

Invoice Button
Invoice Button to make an Invoice for that particular Patient. The Steps to make an invoice are explained in the Invoice Page.

Follow Up Button
If the patient is coming for the follow up treatment, Click on the patient, set the date and time and click Follow Up button for booking a Follow Up Appointment.

Today Button
From Doctors menu Click on Today Button is to see today’s Appointments. Also allows you to see Appointments by Date or Doctor.

Refresh Button
Appointment screen refresh itself automatically every 5 minuets to have all appointments will record continuously.
From Doctors menu Click on Refresh button allow you to refresh the screen at any time.

ClinicGate apptoday Daily Appointments

Print menu

ClinicGate Software allow different type of appointment reports.

  1. From Print menu Click Print Option.
  2. Select the duration from Date From & Date To.
  3. Select Doctor from Doctor drop down list.
  4. Type the Patient Name or Mobile or File# in Patient field and Patients list will be appear then select the require one.
  5. Press Print Button to view/print the report.

You can print result by group, by doctor by checking in Group By Doctor box.

ClinicGate appprint Daily Appointments

Graphic Reports

Appointments Graphic Reports show/Print number of appointments in specific duration with the appointments status to all doctors or to one doctor .

From Print menu Click Graph Print Option.

     Appointments & Status Per One Doctor Report

  1. Click Appointments For One Doctor Option in Graph Reports.
  2. Select the duration from Date From & Date To.
  3. Select Doctor from Doctor drop down list.
  4. Press Print Graph to view/print the report.

     Appointments & Status Per All Doctors Report

  1. Click Appointments For All Doctors Option in Graph Reports.
  2. Select the duration from Date From & Date To.
  3. Press Print Graph to view/print the report.

ClinicGate appprintgraph Daily Appointments

Options menu

You can select the Doctor you want to start Appointments with. If You don’t select any Doctor, Appointments will start Automatically with the logged in User.
Also You can change appointment Grid cell’s width and height , Defaults Button allows you to return default width and height.

* Can deleting appointment by select it from the right appointment list and change the Status from Status drop down list to cancelled.

ClinicGate appoptions Daily Appointments


Daily Appointments